Russell Badenoch

WRXSA Memberships are Back Online!

As of May 2020, WRXSA’s online membership processing is back online and streamlined for easier and faster processing. We’d like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their patience over the last 6 months or so while we have been overhauling the website and membership system. New Joining Members It’s all done online. Head…

Committee Meetings & COVID-19

WRXSA’s Monthly Committee Meetings will be moving to a ‘virtual meeting’ format during COVID-19. In the interest of safety for our club members’ and the general public, our regular monthly committee ‘meetings’ at The Lord Melbourne Hotel are postponed until such gatherings are deemed OK by the authorities. We will be working on ways to…

Social Events Announced for 2018

Welcome to another jammed packed year of social events! WRXSA has some great fun-filled events for members this year with all kinds of events being offered. In addition to this we also have our S&J Automotive Club Championship events taking place throughout the year. Get ready to pencil down these social dates in your 2018…

S&J Club Championship Results for 2017

On Thursday the 14th December WRXSA held their presentation evening for the S&J Club Championship of 2017. It was a great turn out with over 25 club members attending the S&J workshop at Edwardstown where the presentation took place. A BIG THANK YOU goes to S&J Automotive for putting more than $2000 worth of prizes up for…

WRXSA Social Drive-In Cinema Night! – 24.6.17

Here’s a social night out for the whole family! CARS 3 at the mainline drive in Gepps Cross. WRXSA ‘CARS 3’ Movie Night – 24th June 2017Mainline Drive-in Gepps Cross Bring your family out or friends and join the WRXSA club at the Drive In with FREE entry for full members! Lining up at the…