Joining or Renewing WRXSA Membership is back online!
ONLINE FORM: The online forms take only a few minutes to complete and explain most of the options as you go. If you’re not 100% sure and you need a little more detail before you start, please read below.
Join the Club
Joining as a ‘Full Member’ costs $60 + $20 Joining Fee.
Joining as an ‘Associate Member’ costs $30 + $20 Joining Fee.
The Membership Year runs from the 1st of September until the 31st of October (14 months). New Memberships paid after 1st May will receive membership for the remainder of that membership year plus the next year until 31st October, so don’t hold back!
The details and benefits of ‘Full’ and ‘Associate’ members are explained briefly on the ‘Join WRXSA’ page and in more detail in our FAQ’s.
Renew Current Membership
‘Full Member’ Renewals are $60 yearly.
‘Associate Member’ Renewals are $30 yearly.
Initial calls for renewal of memberships starts 1st July each year. You have until the October 31st cut-off date to renew your membership.
Please note, if you renew after the 31st of October, you will need to pay the additional $20 joining fee – $80 total. So get in early, don’t miss it!