As of May 2020, WRXSA’s online membership processing is back online and streamlined for easier and faster processing.
We’d like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their patience over the last 6 months or so while we have been overhauling the website and membership system.
New Joining Members
It’s all done online. Head to the Membership page, have a quick read and click the ‘Join WRXSA’ link.
Current Members
Any time you login to the website you’ll have access to your account information and current membership period. If your membership is nearing expiry, you be provided with a friendly reminder and link to renew.
Expired Members
If you have held a WRXSA membership in the past, but it is now expired you can try logging in with your old email address. You’ll be guided through the process from there.
If you have trouble using any of the forms, please email the Membership Officer and we’ll do our best to accommodate your needs.